Monday, January 16, 2017
The Fable of the Orange Monkey
A malicious mathematical magician*
sat in his dungeon alone with the cool air blowing through his meticulously neat laboratory. His machines whirred and clicked as he quietly came up with a formula to bring an orange monkey to rule the land and do his bidding.
The orange monkey brought evil and sadness to the good people of the land. Darkness fell like a black blanket. He loved hate and the magician magnified it.** It fed his soul. But bananas..he was greedy and wanted all the bananas in the world. The malicious mathematical magician realized the orange monkey was out of his control. The magician thought he would get everything he wanted - rule the earth and make it the hateful place he imagined from his dungeon. For years he had been making magical spells for other evil people who bet on other people's misfortunes and profited off them.*** Now it was his turn. "It's not fair" he yelled and started to cry, causing a small fire amongst his machines.
The good people of the land had no idea the orange monkey came from the magician. They blamed each other, thinking they had brought the orange monkey on themselves!
As the orange monkey was now free of the magicians control, he realized he could do tricks for any rich person and he would get bananas. The mathematical magician realized that he had not computed the greed variable of the orange monkey himself. He pondered this. But now the monkey was a living breathing reflection of his own greed, running loose.
A witch from the land of many lakes**** gave the orange monkey bananas for her to be in charge of all the children of the land. The witch hated children. She wanted them to stop going to school and work for her - except for the rich children. She didn't want any of her money or the other rich people's money to go toward children learning reading or math. No chance for them to become mathematical magicians. She herself hated teachers - all of them. Even the ones who let children play games, made them laugh and gave out wonderful stickers and lollipops. She wanted poor children to work. She imagined them in dark mines, like the ones she already had in the jungle.***** Oh the gold they could mine for her! And she just had to give the orange monkey a few bananas to make her dreams come true.
Perhaps the good people of the land will find the malicious mathematical magician in his quiet dungeon****** and put him somewhere without his laboratory and his whirring and clicking machines - without even so much as a pencil to write 2+2. He could spend the rest of his life trapped with the orange monkey himself, watching those films school counselors have children watch about not being a bully and such.
This story is just the beginning. The malicious mathematical magician has not yet learned his lesson. (So its not really a fable. Sorry.) We will have to teach him that lesson. How will we do it? Will there be pitchforks and torches outside his dungeon? Will you be the person who saved the good people of the land?
*Robert Mercer. See: 1. The Bizarre Far-Right Billionaire Behind Trump's Presidency
2. Robert Mercer’s Trade of the Century | Institutional Investor
**Making Breitbart news pander to hate. See above articles.
***Hedge Funds
*****Betsy DeVos
*****Mines in West Africa have been invested in by the RDV Corp., the company that manages the DeVos wealth. See AmLib
******You can find him at Renaissance Technologies 800 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022 212-829-4460 or try the East Setauket, NY office 631-444-7000. (There are others too)
If he wants to hurl an orange monkey at America, we should all feel free to call him, stop by or send a letter about how we feel. If corporations want to run the gov't, well, let's bring it home to them. Angry citizens no longer need to complain to their elected representatives who are just corporate front men.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Shouldn't we just ask Canada to move the border?
From a Detroiter’s perspective a simple fix to this Trump
situation is to just move the border to Canada up to 8 mile. Simply put up
a fence and move the guard huts a few miles to the north.
We already have many of your Canadian geese. We grew up on
Mr. Dress-up. Our bus drivers are already in the same union and the transition
to one union would be amicable. Many of us haven’t been over since 9/11 because
of the border rules, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t wanted to! We see how
your tunnel bus comes on time while we wait hours to get five minutes from
downtown. We have tried working with Washington
DC but they only care about the
super rich – its not working out for us now and certainly won’t work out in the
future. Its time for us to explore other options. Its time for us to move on.
We don’t need to keep our name – we will be just a new
section of Windsor – there is Sandwich,
Walkerville, and…Detroitville or Detroitwich. We aren’t picky. You could do a
contest at the elementary schools for them to come up with our new name. Change
the river’s name if you like…We know Windsor
carries the burden of being associated with industrial Detroit,
but we pledge to do our best to make Windsor the
jewel of Canada.
Health care for all, no more dirty rich pigs looting our
assets and destroying our city. No more of the Paul Singer and the Manhattan
Institute’s “Stop and Frisk”. All we have to do is have a volunteer day putting
up a fence and wake up the next day with health care, living in one of the most
well balanced, liberal, happy countries on earth. We have been jealous for
years. Now is the time for us. Why stay and fight a madman? Life is short. We
already drink Tim Horton’s and while roller skating is more popular, it is a
skill very similar to ice skating. We will get some knick-knacks of the Queen
and her corgis, perhaps commemorative plates to fit in. We will work on our
manners, say the word “about” differently, learn curling. We will patronize
chip wagons with zest and welcome them into our neighborhoods. While banana
pudding is very popular, butter tarts could easily become a favorite. We need
some encouragement to vote – our votes have been thrown in the Detroit River so long many of us don’t even try
anymore. Maybe some voter group therapy. We will need help succeeding because
we have been beat down so long - but we are dedicated citizens. With the same amount
of effort most of us have put forth to
get a pile of garbage picked up, a street light on, or an empty house boarded
up, we could really redo a whole neighborhood with a supportive government. You
will see this new section of Windsor blossom like nothing you could imagine.
Of course you will want to deport any ugly Americans who
squeak in – more than likely you will find those in midtown and downtown in
some $2,000/month loft that used to be low income housing. Others on the no fly
list should be the exact pigs who have been turning Detroit
into their garbage can for decades: anyone from Franklin, Michigan (this
covers a wide assortment of scoundrels like Dan Gilbert and Dave Bing), Ada, Michigan
(any DeVos), Mike Ilitch, Mike Duggan, Mattie Maroun, Roger Penske etc..Trust
us Canada,
you don’t need them.
Move over Toronto and Vancouver. In exchange
for safe refuge we offer you:
- A water treatment plant worth billions
- Billions in art, a beautiful museum and library system
- Newly redone apt buildings downtown.
- Not one, but 2 hockey stadiums, an indoor practice rink and a couple more.
- A baseball stadium
- A football stadium
- Both sides of the Detroit River (water taxis anyone?)
- Belle Isle park – we could build a bridge to Peche Island. You get two yacht clubs in that deal – you want to name them the Windsor Yacht Club? Or maybe make them municipal marinas?
- A bridge and a train station
- A tunnel for cars and a train tunnel under the river
- An extensive school system with many new buildings
- A couple of casinos You could shut them down to make yours more profitable. No worries.
- A few historic housing districts and many architectural gems
- 600,000 very nice people who have been insulted by the media and portrayed daily in an unfavorable light, many jailed/killed unjustly, whose have been made, through municipal bankruptcy and election rigging, invisible. Essentially, refugees. Canada can avoid making costly refugee camps with this simple plan.
Detroiters, meet with on Tuesday evening. We will put up the
fence ourselves. The suburbs have basically put up most of the fence already
with their Detroit
hate, so fortunately for us we just fill in the gaps. Like the giant flower
pots they put up in Grosse
Pointe to keep Detroiters out. At the end of the day we say thanks for taking care of
that much of the new border for us.
Then we will move the huts with the guards, and voila! You
may now enter Canada
through Warren, Grosse Pointe, Redford etc. Although I have heard that parts of
Grosse Pointe
Park, Harper Woods
and parts of Ann Arbor
want to come along. Welcome everyone!
Buy our secession kit: No city left behind. Any city can
afford to secede. You can’t afford not to. Not lucky enough to be close to Canada? Look at
Alaska – why
is that American? Even a small town in Mississippi
could be like an island
of Canada.
For $19.95 we will send you a booklet explaining how to move
your local border further south or how to redraw your local map.
For $29.95 we will also send you instructions on building a
wall from earth (if you can’t afford a fence) and a couple of border guards.
For $39.95 we will add to your package how to build weapons
for your border guards – you could even make a catapult or just
a gather a nice pile of rocks to throw.
Living well is the best revenge.
(Hope this little satire brightens up your day in the midst of this real horror.)
Monday, December 29, 2014
Who is Who in Detroit
- This is an ongoing project. It will never be complete.
- Associations of individuals and groups may not be up to date.
- I recommend Control + F to find things on this page.
- Each individual has one main entry in bold listing all associations found to date. When they appear again on the page, there is a link back to the main entry.
These are the Foundation Funders from the 8th Plan of Adjustment, PDF page 159:
1. Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan $10,000,000
2. William Davidson Foundation 25,000,000
3. The Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation 10,000,000
4. Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation 2,500,000*
5. Ford Foundation 125,000,000
6. Hudson-Webber Foundation 10,000,000
7. The Kresge Foundation 100,000,000
8. W. K. Kellogg Foundation 40,000,000
9. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation 30,000,000
10. McGregor Fund 6,000,000
11. Charles Stewart Mott Foundation 10,000,000
12. A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Foundation 5,000,000*
Total $373,500,000
1. Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan (CFSEM)
Board of Trustees
- Allan D. Gilmour, Retired President, Wayne State University, DIA, Ford , Whirlpool, Citizen's Research Council and DTE.
- James B. Nicholson, PVS Chemicals Inc. He and family members contributors to Bing and/or Duggan. McGregor Fund which is a foundation funder, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, DTE, PrivateBanccorp Inc., Beringea, Invest Michigan, Citizens Research Council, Detroit Public Safety Foundation PVS is a member of Business Leaders for Michigan. He loaned Kwame Kilpatrick money. Son David:WSU Foundation.
- Penny B. Blumenstein,wife of Harold Blumenstein, Paragon Properties. Richard Blumenstein of Paragon Properties was a Duggan contributor.
- W. Frank Fountain, Escambia Enterprises LLC. DIA, DTE, Detroit Economic Club, Hudson-Webber Foundation, Invest Detroit,
- David M. Hempstead, Bodman LLP. Robert Diehl Jr. at this same law firm. Duggan contributor. WSU Foundation.
- Joseph L. Hudson Jr., Hudson-Webber which is a foundation funder. Bing contributor. DIA.
- Mary H. Weiser. Father-in-law is Ron Weiser,, former Republican National Committee Finance Chair, Ron Weiser mentioned in this article got the Detroit Science Center for $6 million and below is noted as involved in privatizing the DIA. According to the following article he worked with Dick DeVos for Right to Work and Schostak, realty and head of Republican Party, Ron Weiser also on board of U of M Zell Lurie Institute. According to a following article, he helped arrange the Grand Bargain and worked with Dennis Muchmore, the chief of staff to Gov. Rick Snyder, Jase Bolger and Ken Buckfire. Schostak
- Michael T. Monahan, Monahan Enterprises LLC.,CMS Energy and Consumers, Munder Capital Management (connected to Engler and Rakolta), Engineered Machined Products, Inc., Comerica Bank
- Frederick M. Adams Jr., Michigan, Northern Trust Bank
- Terence E. Adderley, Kelly Services Inc.,Business Leaders for Michigan, contributor to Duggan. Kelly Services is also connected to the Detroit Chanber of Commerce and to Conrad Mallett.
- Maggie A. Allesee, Duggan contributor, WSU Foundation
- Gerard M. Anderson, DTE Energy Company, McGregor Fund, Business Leaders for Michigan
- Michael E. Bannister, Retired, Ford Motor Credit Company
- Albert M. Berriz, McKinley Inc. (real estate), Business Leaders for Michigan. McKinley Inc.was started by Ron Weiser, see daughter-in-law above. Marc Weiser, son of Ron, on board:
- Thomas C. Buhl, Wells Fargo Advisors. Formerly of UBS.
- Andrew L. Camden, JP Morgan Private Bank, New Economy Initiative, DIA
- Ahmad Chebbani, OMNEX Corp. Planned trip to Dubai, took Kwame Kilpatrick
- Matthew P. Cullen, Rock Ventures LLC (Gilbert) Hudson-Webber, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, Detroit Future City, M-1 Rail, Invest Detroit, Citizen's Research Council. About his switch from GM to Rock Ventures:, Here he is with Kwame Kilpatrick announcing a new Detroit. Married to Karen Cullen, a former Ilitch VP. More about Ilitch. She was also the president of their charity and had formerly worked at GM. About Karen Cullen. Matt Cullen was Doug Rothwell's boss at GM.
- Paul R. Dimond, Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone PLC, one of the law firms for Detroit’s bankruptcy
- Deborah I. Dingell, D2 Strategies, GM Foundation
- John M. Erb, The Erb Family Foundation which is also a foundation funder.
- David T. Fischer, The Suburban Collection, DIA, State of Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission, according to this article he is allegedly associated with Mitt Romney:
- Phillip Wm. Fisher, Mission Throttle, Fisher Foundation which is also a foundation funder.
- Jenice C. Mitchell Ford, Clark Hill, same law firm as Reginald Turner.
- Alfred R. Glancy III, Unico Investment Group LLC, Seattle, WA. DIA, Wayne County Airport Authority. Ruth Glancy is trustee emeritus of the McGregor Foundation which is also a foundation funder, DIA. Bing and Duggan contributor.
- Kouhaila G. Hammer, The Ghafari Cos., Detroit Chamber, Ghafari also connected to WSU Foundation.
- Steven K. Hamp, Michigan Education Excellence Foundation, Kresge Foundation which is also a foundation funder, Duggan contributor
- William M. Hermann, Plante Moran International, one of the consulting firms used in the Detroit Bankruptcy;_ylt=A0LEVxdua5tUUoQAeTJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByNzA1YWV1BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDOQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--
- George G. Johnson, George Johnson & Company, Bing contributor, American Association Of Museums (aka the American Alliance of Museums mentioned in the 8th Plan of Adjustment) Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, Black United Fund of Michigan Inc, TCF Financial Corporation, DIA
- Eric B. Larson, Bedrock Real Estate Services LLC., (Gilbert) his late father was Robert Larson of the Taubman Company. His mother, Bonnie, was a Duggan contributor. On the board of Olympia Development with Christopher Ilitch.
- David Baker Lewis, Lewis & Munday, Munday PAC was Bing donor, Skillman Foundation, DIA, Detroit Chamber of Commerce
- John D. Lewis, Donnelly Penman and Partners PC. Contributor to Duggan.
- Henry W. Lim, Department of Dermatology, Academic Affairs, Henry Ford Health Systems. Bing and Duggan contributor.
- Dana M. Locniskar, Merrill Lynch Private Banking and Investment Group. Contributor to Duggan
- Florine Mark, The Weight Watchers Group Inc., Business Leaders for Michigan, contributor to Duggan and Bing, Detroit Chamber of Commerce.
- Jack Martin, City of Detroit, Emergency Manager DPS
- Edward J. Miller, Detroit Investment Fund
- Eugene A. Miller, Retired, Comerica Incorporated, McKinley Inc. (real estate), which was started by Ron Weiser
- Bruce E. Nyberg,: formerly Flagstar Bank, Birmingham Bloomfield Bancshares, Inc, Board of Directors at Bank of Birmingham (Michigan), Birmingham Bloomfield Bancshares, Inc. and was on the board at Halberd Corp.
- Cynthia J. Pasky, Strategic Staffing Solutions Inc. which contracts with the city of Detroit . Vanguard Health, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, DIA Board, has representative on Belle Isle Conservancy, Duggan contributor, Detroit Future City
- William F. Pickard, Global Automotive Alliance. Regal Plastics Company (manufacturer of plastic parts for automotive and other industries) and as Owner/operator, McDonald's restaurant franchises, VITEC LLC, GrupoAntolin-Wayne, ARD Logistics, LLC, and Commonwealth Regal Industries, University of Michigan Business School, African Development Foundation, Standard Federal Bank and the National Urban League, Asset Acceptance Capital Corp., Detroit Renaissance Inc., WTVS, National Association of Black Automotive Suppliers, Detroit Economic Development Corporation, Michigan Cancer Foundation and Detroit Science Center, Malan Realty Investors Inc., Flagstar BanCorp. Inc., Michigan National Corp., U.S. Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations and the Executive Board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
- Glenda D. Price, Detroit Public Schools Foundation, Duggan campaign contributor, Detroit Blight Taskforce with Dan Gilbert
- David T. Provost, Talmer Bank and Trust, with Torgow below is also part of Talmer, along with former governor Jennifer Granholm. Contributor to Duggan.
- Jack A. Robinson, The JAR Group LLC, DIA, contributor to Duggan
- Pamela Rodgers, Rodgers Chevrolet Inc., Bloomfield Hills Private Bank
- Alan E. Schwartz, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP DIA, legal counsel to the DIA, Bing and Duggan contributor. G. Scott Romney (Mitt Romney’s brother) is at Honigman Detroit This is also the law firm of John Pirich, who was Snyder's recall lawyer, Bing's recall lawyer and Duggan's recount lawyer. This article also states that Pirich was also counsel in the fight against the referendum of PA 4 (see McGee from Miller Canfield) Emergency management and for Roy Roberts, EM DPS. Connected to Detroit Homecoming host for people who left Detroit, WSU Foundation Honigman is also a law firm for Dan Gilbert's Greektown Casino,
- William W. Shelden Jr., Elizabeth, Allan and Warren Shelden Fund, DIA, McGregor
- Vivian Day Stroh, John Stroh was a Duggan contributor and is on the Downtown Detroit Partnership. Other Strohs on DIA board
- Gary Torgow, Talmer Bancorp Inc., Sterling Group, Business Leaders for Michigan, Bing contributor, WSU Foundation
- Reginald M. Turner, Clark Hill PLC., Hudson Webber, Public Safety Foundation, DIA, Comerica
- Barbara C. Van Dusen
- Dale L. Watchowski, Redico (real estate with Ira Jaffe), Duggan contributor.
- Sean K. Werdlow, Siebert Branford Shank & Co. LLC, at UBS pension deal. Shank on board of DIA.
- Ken Whipple, City of Detroit Financial Advisory Board 2012, from Bloomfield Hills, Korn/Ferry International, CMS Energy, Ford Motor Co.,4668,7-277-57577_57657-276335--,00.html
- Ethan Davidson listed on 990 of this foundation, contributor to Duggan, foundation is in Michigan, son of Detroit Pistons owner and connected to Guardian Industries. Guardian Industries is connected with Ralph Gerson who is married to Erica Ward Gerson of the Detroit Land Bank. Ralph Gerson is on the Citizen's Research Council.
- Fred A. Erb
- Barbara M. Erb
- Susan E. Cooper, director of Beaumont Hospital
- Debbie D. Erb
- John M. Erb, see above
- Leslie Erb Liedtke
- Ira J. Jaffe, also on funding foundation McGregor Foundation, Redico Real Estate with Dale L. Watchowski
- Chacona W. Johnson, DIA, Detroit Public Schools Foundation, Associate VP at U of M, WSU Foundation
- Marjorie S. Fisher
- Jane F. Sherman
- Julie Fisher Cummings
- Phillip Wm. Fisher
- Marjorie M. Fisher, Duggan Contributor
- Mary D. Fisher, Duggan Contributor
- Irene Hirano Inouye, U.S.-Japan Council, Washington, D.C., also on the Kresge Foundation, Sodexho Marriott
- Darren Walker, New York, N.Y.
- Kofi Appenteng, The West Africa Fund, Partner, Constant Capital, Redding, Conn.
- Tim Berners-Lee, School of Engineering, and Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, South Hampton, United Kingdom
- Afsaneh M. Beschloss, The Rock Creek Group, Washington, D.C.
- Martin Eakes, Self-Help, Center for Responsible Lending, Durham, N.C.
- Amy C. Falls, The Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y.
- Juliet V. García, University of Texas at Brownsville, Brownsville, Tex.
- J. Clifford Hudson, Sonic Corp, Oklahoma City, Okla.
- Robert S. Kaplan, Martin Marshall Professor of Management Practice in Business Administration Harvard Business School, Boston, Mass.
- Thurgood Marshall Jr., Bingham McCutchen, Principal, Bingham Consulting Group,Washington, D.C.
- N.R. Narayana Murthy, Infosys Limited, Bangalore, India
- Peter A. Nadosy, East End Advisors, LLC, New York, N.Y.
- Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, New York, N.Y.
- Jennifer Hudson Parke, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, DIA
- David O. Egner, Detroit Future Cities, Duggan contributor, LISC, Citizen's Research Council, New Economy Initiative (which funds projects like Invest Detroit – for details see
- David E. Meador, DTE, Landauer Inc., Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Duggan contributor, DIA , WSU Foundation
- Amanda Van Dusen, from Miller Canfield (one of Detroit’s law firms for the bankruptcy) Comerica, Citizens Research Council, Duggan campaign contributor, DIA
- Matthew P. Cullen, Rock Ventures (Gilbert) See above
- Stephen R. D’Arcy, Quantum Group, DMC, Duggan contributor, Penske, Vanguard Health Systems, Premier, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, State Building Authority Price Waterhouse Cooper (Price Waterhouse Cooper also associated with Detroit Chamber of Commerce, Darrell Burks of the M-1 Rail and the Detroit Financial Review Team 2012),
- W. Frank Fountain Trustee, See above
- Gilbert Hudson
- Joseph L. Hudson, Jr., Duggan contributor
- Joseph L. Hudson IV
- Reginald M. Turner, Jr., see above
- Jean Hudson Witmer, DIA
- Elaine D. Rosen, Assurant Inc., Falmouth, Maine
- James L. Bildner, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, Mass.
- Lee C. Bollinger, Columbia University, New York
- Phillip L. Clay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
- Steven K. Hamp, Hamp Advisors, Detroit, See above.
- Paul Hillegonds, DTE, Citizens Research Council., Detroit Renaissance, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Duggan campaign contributor, Detroit Future City.
- Irene Y. Hirano, U.S. - Japan Council, Washington, See Ford Foundation.
- David W. Horvitz, WLD Enterprises Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
- Cynthia L. Kresge, Cancer Care Associates P.C., Royal Oak, Mich.
- Maria Otero, Former Under Secretary of State, U.S Department of State, Washington
- Nancy Schlichting, Henry Ford Health System ( Henry Ford also connected to M-1 Rail and has funding from the New Economy Initiative ), Citizens’ Research Council, Health Alliance Plan of Michigan, Fifth Third Bank (Michigan), a subsidiary of Fifth Third Bancorp., Detroit Chamber of Commerce, Business Leaders of Michigan.
- Rip Rapson, The Kresge Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Detroit RiverFront Conservancy, Detroit Future City, the Downtown Detroit Partnership, M-1 Rail, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation of New York, Living Cities, and the Environmental Law and Policy Center in Chicago.
- Joseph M. Stewart, Battle Creek, Mich
- La June Montgomery Tabron, Battle Creek, Mich.
- Cynthia H. Milligan, Lincoln, Neb.
- Roderick D. Gillum, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Detroit Economic Growth Foundation, Invest Detroit
- Fred P. Keller, Grand Rapids, Mich.
- Richard M. Tsoumas, Battle Creek, Mich.
- Celeste A. Clark, Battle Creek, Mich
- Ramón Murguía, Kansas City, Kan.
- Bobby D. Moser, Columbus, Ohio
- Hanmin Liu, San Francisco
- Robert W. Briggs Chairman of the Board and Trustee, President & CEO
- Alberto Ibargüen President and CEO
- Anna Spangler Nelson
- Beverly Knight Olson
- Chris Hughes
- E. Roe Stamps IV
- Earl W. Powell
- Francisco L. Borges
- James N. Crutchfield
- John Palfrey
- Joichi Ito
- Mariam C. Noland, Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, according to following article approached by Judge Rosen about Grand Bargain.
- Marjorie Knight Crane
- Paul E. Steiger
- Ray Rodriguez
- Stephanie Bell-Rose
- Susan D. Kronick
- William H. Considine
- Gerard M. Anderson, See above
- Cynthia N. Ford, Belle Isle Conservancy
- Denise J. Lewis, WSU Foundation, Honigman
- Reuben A. Munday, See above
- James B. Nicholson, See above
- Richard L. Rogers,
- Susan Schooley, M.D.,
- William W. Shelden, Jr., See above
- Dave Bing
- Ruth Glancy, See above
- Ira Jaffe, Redico Real Estate, See above
- Eugene A. Miller, See above
- Bruce W. Steinhauer, M.D
- Peter P. Thurber
- William S. White, Chairman
- Frederick S. Kirkpatrick, Vice-Chairman**
- A. Marshall Acuff Jr.
- Tiffany W. Lovett
- Webb F. Martin
- Olivia P. Maynard
- John Morning
- Maryanne Mott
- Charlie Nelms
- Douglas X. Patiño
- William H. Piper
- Marise M.M. Stewart
- Claire M. White
- Schaap retired from Wayne State University in 2000. Then full-time president of Lumigen which was acquired by Beckman Coulter. WSU Foundation.
"Grand Bargain" is also the term used for cutting/ending social security. Here is one example but there are many more:
In the 8th Plan of Adjustment, PDF page 140, it explains: “Supporting Organization means the Foundation for Detroit’s Future, a Michigan nonprofit corporation, which is a supporting organization of Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan (CFSEM), which was established to accommodate the contribution and payment of monies from the Funders, as contemplated under this Term Sheet, and will obtain 501(c)(3) status prior to the Closing.”
"If the City fails to cure a breach or failure during the cure period each Funder and the Supporting Organization shall have the right to cancel its remaining commitments." - p154 PDF
"The City will adopt and maintain pension governance mechanisms that meet or exceed commonly accepted best practices reasonably satisfactory to the Funders and the State to ensure acceptable fiscal practices and procedures for management and investment of pensions and selection of acceptable pension boards to ensure the foregoing." PDF Page 149
"The City will establish, by the Effective Date (as defined below), a Receivership Transition Review Board (“Review Board”) or other independent
fiduciary that is independent of the City and any association of City employees or retirees for future supervision of the Pensions’ management, administration and investments for at least twenty years after the Effective Date." PDF Page 149
DIA Board of Directors
- Tina Bassett, Bassett and Bassett Communications
- Charles E. Becker, Becker Foundation, President of Grosse Pointe Academy, Becker Ventures, Duggan contributor
- Lindsey Ford Buhl
- H. William Burdett Jr., Boyle Burdett Law Firm
- Mark A. Davidoff, Deloitte, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, M-1 Rail. (Robert Rietz on GRS Pension from Deloitte, Deloitte rep. on Citizen's Research Council.)
- Ethan Davidson, See above.
- Amy DeBrunner, Director of Grosse Pointe Art Center
- Lillian Demas, International Academy
- Andrea Dickson, Butzel Long, WSU
- Marla Donovan, Kaufman Financial Group/Burns & Wilcox, Duggan donor
- Mark A. Douglas
- Maria C. Bringer Duey, Masco (Manoogian)!search/profile/person?personId=289260796&targetid=profile
- Nicole Eisenberg, Duggan contributor
- Jennifer Fischer, wife of David T. Fischer of the Suburban Collection,!search/profile/person?personId=1214003979&targetid=profile Former board member Olympia Entertainment
- Nathan Forbes, Rock Gaming (Gilbert), Board of Karmanos
- Eleanor B. Ford
- Richard M. Gabrys, TriMas Corp, CMS Energy Corp, La-Z-Boy, Inc., Massey Energy, Dana Holding Corp, Reniassance Venture Capital Fund
- Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr, Masco (Manoogian) Corp., Bing donor, Citizens Research Council.
- Dr. Antoine Garibaldi, President of University of Detroit Mercy
- Jennifer Gilbert, wife of Dan Gilbert
- Mary Ann Gorlin, Gorlin Foundation
- Thomas Guastello, Lawyer, Center Research
- John Hantz - Hantz Group, Hantz Farm, Hantz Bank, with Mike Cox (who went to Catholic Central High School with Andy Dillon) Catholic Central is also the alma mater of Mike Duggan and Wayne County Judge Colombo. Article about Kilpatrick, Cox, Mallett, and Duggan: )
- James B. Jacobs, Macomb Community College Macomb Community College!search/profile/person?personId=22740685&targetid=profile
- Chacona Johnson, see Erb Family Foundation
- Mary Kramer, Skillman Foundation, Citizen's Research Council, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, Crain’s Publisher
- Hubert Massey, artist,
- Dr. Ali Moiin, Dermatologist
- Reuben A. Munday, McGregor another funding partner, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, Munday PAC was a Bing contributor
- Mark E. Neithercut, Neithercut Philanthropy
- Juliette Okotie-Eboh, MGM Grand Casino
- Peter B. Oleksiak, DTE ,
- Linda Orlans, Orlans, THAW
- Jennifer Hudson Parke - See above
- Alex L. Parrish, Honigman Law Firm, See above
- Cynthia J. Pasky, see above
- Meryl Podolsky, Lawyer
- Dr. Irvin Reid, WSU, A Schulman, Mack-Cali Realty Corp, Pep Boys - Manny, Moe & Jack
- Donald Ritzenhein, EMU, Macomb Community College
- Sandra Seligman (wife of Scott Seligman, connected to Sterling Bank and Trust) - (Property Management)
- Suzanne Shank Managing Director, Siebert Branford Shank & Co. LLC Article about firm and UBS pension deal.
- Buzz Thomas, Thomas Group Consulting, worked on Duggan’s campaign supporting PAC, Turnaround Detroit , Belle Isle Conservancy, Consulting Group on Citizen's Research Council.
- Reginald Turner, Jr. See above
- Molly Valade, Artist, daughter of Gretchen Carhartt Valade
- Rhonda C. Welburn - Tax lawyer, Dickenson Wright Law Firm, which is also a law firm for the State of Michigan about the Detroit bankruptcy
- Henry Wineman III - Related to late Leopold Wineman, owner of store downtown, People’s Outiftters. Lawyer at Frasco Caponigro Wineman & Scheible, PLLC
- Chairman Emeritus: Richard A. Manoogian, Masco, Duggan contributor
- Legal Counsel: Joshua F. Opperer, Honigman, Alan S. Schwartz, Honigman, see above
- Randolph J. Agley
- Hon. Trudy DunCombe Archer, see Dennis Archer
- Catherine C. Blackwell
- Richard A. Brodie
- Dr. Irving F. Burton
- Andrew L. Camden See above
- Warren Coville
- Tarik Daoud
- Margaret Demant
- Elaine Driker- Husband is Eugene Driker who according to article below, came up with the idea for the Grand Bargain with Judge Rosen., is on the WSU Foundation and he was a mediator for the bankruptcy
- Kenneth Eisenberg
- Dr. Walter O. Evans
- Dede Feldman
- David T. Fischer, See above
- Dorothy Gerson of Franklin, mother of Ralph Gerson who is husband of Erica Ward Gerson
- Alfred R. Glancy III - See more
- Marilyn Gushée
- Jean Hudson, See above
- Joseph L. Hudson, Jr, See above
- George G. Johnson, See above
- Ralph Mandarino
- David Meador, See above
- Katherine Duff Rines
- Aviva Robinson
- Diane M. Schoenith
- Marianne S. Schwartz
- Gilbert B. Silverman, real estate. connected to Max Fischer.
- Anne Markley
- Spivak Stanford
- C. Stoddard
- John W. Stroh, III, See above
- Hon. Anna Diggs Taylor
- Samuel H. Thomas, Jr.
- Amanda Van Dusen, See above
- Helene White
- Trudi Wineman
- Margaret W. Winkelman
- Eugene Applebaum
- Dennis W. Archer, Compuware Corporation, Jefferies Group LLC, Johnson Controls Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Covisint Corporation, Dickinson Wright/Mariscal Weeks, Western Michigan University, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Martindale-Hubbell, Inc., Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan, Detroit College of Law, Detroit Regional Chamber, Progressus Therapy, LLC, Detroit Executive Service Corps, The InfiLaw System LLC, Bipartisan Policy Center,
- Maggie Allesee, See above
- Dr. Bettye Arrington-Martin
- Mary Kay Crain
- Kenneth Davies
- Junia Doan
- Peter A. Dow
- Marilyn Flint
- Sidney A. Forbes
- Edsel B. Ford II
- Stephanie Germack-Kerzic
- Allan D. Gilmour, See above
- Morton Harris
- Argentina Hills
- Hon. Damon Keith
- David Baker Lewis, see above
- John E. Marshall III
- Dr. Robert Perkins
- Philip H. Power
- Ellen F. Price
- John Rakolta, Jr., Walbridge, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Business Leaders for Michigan, Munder Funds is also associated with Engler. His wife, Terry Rakolta, is sister to G. Scott Romney’s first wife, Ronna of Northville according to this article: . His involvement with Kwame Kilpatrick's Bobby Ferguson:
- Ruth Rattner
- Jack Robinson
- Alan E. Schwartz, See above
- Nettie Seabrooks
- William W. Shelden, Jr, See above
- Lila Silverman
- Howard F. Sims
- James A. Smith
- William H. Smith
- Eliot Stark
- Nicole Stroh
- A. Alfred Taubman, Business Leaders for Michigan,WSU Foundation
- S. Martin Taylor
Two investment committees are formed in the 8th Plan of Adjustment.
General Retirement Systems (GRS) Investment Committee
“The five (5) initial IC Independent Members shall be selected by mutual agreement of the appropriate representatives of the State, the City and the Board, in consultation with the Foundation for Future. The initial Independent Members and their terms of office will
be as follows: Ken Whipple (2 years), David Sowerby (3 years), Robert Rietz (4 years), Doris Ewing (5 years) and Kerrie VandenBosch (6 years). Successor Independent Members shall be recommended by a majority of the remaining Independent Members and confirmed by the Board and the State Treasurer in consultation with the Foundation for Detroit’s Future, in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the IC, provided such rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the POA and this agreement.” PDF Page 807
1. Ken Whipple, see above.
2. Kerrie Vanden Bosch, of Lansing, is director of the Plan Development and Compliance Division for Michigan’s Office of Retirement Services and works on state's pension.6 year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
3. Doris Ewing, of Detroit, is owner of Madison Ewing LLC, past senior consultant with NEPC LLC. 5-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
Appointed by Snyder to Fairgrounds committee:,4668,7-277-57577-278137--,00.html
President of the Detroit Golf Club Property Owners Association
4. Robert Rietz, of North Carolina, retired Detroit Deloitte Consulting. Rietz served on the board of the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System from 1995 to 2001. 4-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
5. David Sowerby, of Bloomfield Hills, Loomis, Sayles & Co., past Beacon Investment Management Co. in Ann Arbor. Michigan Economic Development Corp., past chairman on the investment advisory committee for the state of Michigan’s $50 billion pension fund. 3-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) Investment Committee
“The five (5) initial IC Independent Members shall be selected by mutual agreement of the appropriate representatives of the State, the City and the Board, in consultation with the Foundation for Detroit’s Future. The initial Independent Members and their terms of office will be as follows: Rebecca Sorenson (2 years), Joseph Bogdahn (3 years), Robert C. Smith (4 years), McCullough Williams III (5 years) and Woodrow S. Tyler (6 years).” PDF page 807 8th Plan of Adjustment
Appointments to the Police and Fire Retirement System’s Investment Committee:
1. Woodrow Tyler, of Dexter, retired UAW Retiree Medical Benefit Trust, State of Michigan Pension Fund from 1995-2009 6-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
2. McCullough Williams, of Ohio, FIS Group, a deputy state auditor in Ohio. 5-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
3. Robert Smith, of Ohio, Spero-Smith Investment Adviser Inc., Ohio Public Employees Retirement System as an investment expert. 4-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
4. Joseph Bogdahn, of Florida, is chairman of The Bogdahn Group, past president of Rotary, board of the Citrus Center Boys & Girls Club. 3-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
5. Rebecca Sorenson, of Birmingham, UBS Financial Services. Sorenson earned a bachelor’s degree from Walsh College. 2-year term.,4668,7-277-61369-339804--,00.html
UBS was a creditor in the bankruptcy
General Voluntary Employee Beneficiaries Association (VEBA) health care trust:
- Floyd Allen
- Roger Cheek
- Suzanne Daniels Paranjpe
- Doris Ewing, see above
- Barbara Wise-Johnson
- Shirley Lightsey, DRCEA
- Thomas Sheehan
Police and Fire VEBA trust:
former state Treasurer Andy Dillon, now of Conway McKenzie (one of the city's firms involved in the bankruptcy)
- Floyd Allen
- Gregory Best
- John Clark
- Allan Grant
- Thomas Sheehan, see above
- Greg Trozak
- ex-officio member Shirley Berger.
Skillman Foundation Board:
- Lizabeth Ardisana, ASG Renaissance, New Economy Initiative, Citizens Bank, Mariah Industries, Kettering University Board, and Focus: HOPE, Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- Ralph W. Babb, Jr., Comerica, Detroit Renaissance, Detroit Economic Club, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's Detroit branch.
- David Baker Lewis, Lewis & Munday, see more
- Herman B. Gray, Children's Hospital, Detroit Medical Center
- Tonya Allen
- Bill Emerson, Quicken Loans (Dan Gilbert)
- Denise Ilitch, see more
- Mary L. Kramer, Crain Communications, see more
- Amyre Makupson
- Eddie
R. Munson, Huntington Bank, Skillman
Foundation (past)United American Healthcare Corp.,
BearingPoint, Inc,,
- Jerry Norcia, DTE
- Mark Reuss, GE, Invest Michigan, Berengia (with Nicholson, see here)
State of Michigan
A nine-member Board oversees the State Employees Retirement System administration. The Governor appoints four of the nine members to represent active and retired state employees. Five Board members serve by virtue of their offices in state government. Upon expiration of a term a member may continue to serve, at the pleasure of the governor, until a successor is appointed.,4654,7-208-47025_47121---,00.html
- Robert L. Brackenbury
- Matthew Fedorchuk
- John Gnodtke
- Randall S. Gregg
- Molly Jason
- Douglas Johnson
- Vernon Johnson
- Craig Murray
- Ruth Schwartz
- Kerrie Vanden Bosch, Executive Secretary
- AG Eric Holder comes from the law firm of Covington and Burling., defenders of Phillip Morris. Practice white collar defense. Where he may be going after the DOJ:
- Covington and Burling and Philip Morris:
- About the revolving door between Covington and Burling and the Justice Department
- Eric Holder and the foreclosure crisis:
- Blog about Holder and Mexico
- Holder, Chase and a whistleblower
- "Quicken Loans Founder & CEO Dan Gilbert will appear for a special conversation about Detroit and its prospects for the future including the role of the private sector in ensuring the public trust as well as Federal Bar Association President Michael K. Lee, Detroit Regional Chamber CEO Sandy Baruah and Detroit Council of Baptist Pastors General Counsel Rev. Bertram Marks, Wayne State Law School Dean Jocelyn Benson, former federal prosecutor Peter Henning among other headline speakers. Detroit Inspector General James Heith is expected to address the summit." Sandy Barauh and Jocelyn Benson,, have both been associated with Fix the Debt (to slash earned benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare under the guise of fixing the nation's "debt problem." )
- Meeting with Gene Sperling, from Obama's National Economic Council and responder to Detroit's financial crisis, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. On Aug. 30, White House officials met with Rip Rapson, Kresge Foundation, Dan Gilbert, Debbie Dingell, and more.
- Eric Holder Questioned on Too Big To Jail:
- Here is the United States Department of Justice recommending to "reject constitutional challenges to chapter nine."
- Here is the United States Department of Justice saying "that the Plan Objections, while raising important issues, do not currently present a substantial constitutional challenge to chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy Code" Note there were filed by unrepresented creditors 1,159 objections. From bankruptcy docket # 8993 PDF page 16. They came from pensioners, citizens, (some of whom were also lawyers) and others.
- Dentons represented the Detroit Official Retiree Committee and the retirees in the Chrysler bankruptcy (same as Orr was involved in). Dentons was the former employer of Kevin Charvous from Alliance for School Choice with Betsy DeVos. Kevin P. Charvous is has been connected to the Black Alliance for Educational Options
- U.S. Census Bureau,
- This is from the Office of Economic Development: Note how the US spends LESS than other OECD countries on public pensions.
- Look at the jump here 1990: 730 billion to 2.9 trillion in 2010.
According to Dome Magazine, Rothwell pushed to expand Detroit Renaissance beyond Detroit. It was started by Detroit CEOS following the 1967 riots. See also "The Kings of Michigan"
- JEFF M. FETTIG, Whirlpool Corporation. connected to the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Allan Gilmour, and Tony Saunders
- TERENCE E. ADDERLEY, Kelly Services, Inc., see above
- DANIEL F. AKERSON, General Motors
- G. MARK ALYEA, Alro Steel Corporation
- GERARD M. ANDERSON*, DTE Energy Company, see above
- DAVID W. BARFIELD, The Bartech Group, Inc.
- ALBERT M. BERRIZ, McKinley, See above
- STEPHEN K. CARLISLE, General Motors
- JOHN C. CARTER, Michigan Middle Market, Chase
- MARY SUE COLEMAN*, University of Michigan
- TIMOTHY P. COLLINS, Michigan Region, Comcast Cable
- ROBERT S. CUBBIN, Meadowbrook Insurance Group
- WALTER P. CZARNECKI, Penske Corporation, Bing contributor, Duggan contributor
- KURT L. DARROW*, La-Z-Boy Incorporated. Richard Gabrys also connected to La-Z-Boy.
- DAVID C. DAUCH*, American Axle & Manufacturing
- RICHARD L. DEVORE, Detroit and Southeast Michigan, PNC Financial Services Group. PNC represented on Michigan Strategic Fund, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, LISC, and Citizens Research Council
- DOUG L. DeVOS*, Amway. Family of Richard DeVos. Here he is getting an award from David Koch at Americans for Prosperity event.
- ALESSANDRO P. DINELLO, Flagstar Bank. Represented on the Downtown Development Authority, connected to William Pickard
- J. PATRICK DOYLE*, Domino's Pizza
- JAMES E. DUNLAP, Regional and Commerical Banking, Huntington Bank
- MATTHEW B. ELLIOTT, Michigan Market, Bank of America
- WILLIAM CLAY FORD, JR., Ford Motor Company
- DANIEL GILBERT, Quicken Loans, Inc., Rock Ventures, Greektown Casino, Invest Michigan. Has representatives on: the Downtown Development Authority, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, Detroit Future City, Blight Taskforce, Invest Detroit, Detroit Public Safety Foundation, Cavaliers have used Jones Day Law Firm, Greektown Casino has used Honigman Law Firm, M-1 Rail, childhood friend who helps with his real estate is Dan Friedman on WSU Foundation
- ALFRED R. GLANCY III, Unico Investment Group, LLC. See above
- DAN GORDON, Gordon Food Service, Inc.,
- STEPHEN E. GORMAN*, Delta Air Lines
- JAMES P. HACKETT*, Steelcase Inc.
- RONALD E. HALL, Bridgewater Interiors, LLC
- RICHARD G. HAWORTH*, Haworth, Inc., Mackinac Policy Center
- CHRISTOPHER ILITCH*, Ilitch Holdings, Inc., on board of Olympia Development with Eric B. Larson. Ilitches involved in Skillman Foundation, M-1 Rail (Mike McClauchlan) , Public Safety Foundation (Mike McClauchlan), and wife of Matt Cullen (Gilbert) had run an Ilitch Charity
- MICHAEL J. JANDERNOA*, Perrigo Company
- MILES E. JONES, Dawn Food Products, Inc.
- HANS-WERNER KAAS, Detroit Office, McKinsey & Company
- ALAN JAY KAUFMAN, H.W. Kaufman Financial Group
- JOHN C. KENNEDY, Autocam Corporation
- STEPHEN M. KIRCHER, Boyne Resorts
- WILLIAM L. KOZYRA, TI Automotive Limited
- BLAKE W. KRUEGER*, Wolverine World Wide
- BRIAN K. LARCHE, Engineered Machined Products, Inc.
- TIMOTHY D. LEULIETTE, Visteon Corporation
- ANDREW N. LIVERIS, The Dow Chemical Company
- KEVIN A. LOBO, Stryker Corporation, Michigan Economic Development Corporation
- DANIEL J. LOEPP, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. See Anne Mervenne.
- EVAN D. LYALL, Roush Enterprises, Inc.
- BEN C. MAIBACH III, Barton Malow Company
Masco Corporation, Chase, Ford, Invest Detroit, TriMas Corporation, MSX International
- FLORINE MARK, Weight Watchers Group, see above
- DAVID E. MEADOR, DTE Energy Company, see above
- HANK MEIJER, Meijer, Inc., connected to Mark Murray
- FREDERICK K. MINTURN, MSX International (see Richard Manoogian)
- PAUL J. MUELLER, Midwest Region, The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.
- MARK A. MURRAY*, Meijer, Inc., connected to Hank Meijer, DTE, Universal Forest Products with Engler, Invest Michigan, Citizen's Research Council, Meijer represented on Michigan Strategic Fund
- JAMES B. NICHOLSON*, PVS Chemicals, Inc., see above
- JAMES O'LEARY, Kaydon Corporation
- CYNTHIA J. PASKY, Strategic Staffing Solutions, see above
- ROGER S. PENSKE, Penske Corporation, Belle Isle Advisory Committee, M-1 Rail., Penske connected to WSU Foundation, Hudson-Webber
- WILLIAM F. PICKARD, see above
- SANDRA E. PIERCE*, FirstMerit Michigan
- CHARLES H. PODOWSKI, The Auto Club Group
- STEPHEN R. POLK, IHS Automotive
- JOHN RAKOLTA, JR.*, Walbridge, see above
- MICHAEL T. RITCHIE*, Comerica Bank - Michigan. Comerica connected to Reginald Turner, Linda Forte, Michael Monahan, Eugene Miller, Amanda Van Dusen, Ralph Babb, James Bernacki, a LISC funder and reps are on THAW and Detroit Economic Development Corp.
- DOUG ROTHWELL*, President & CEO, Business Leaders for Michigan. "Political Architect" according to Dome magazine. Invest Detroit, founder of One D and involved in Next Energy Is/has been connected to Detroit Renaissance, Worldwide Real Estate for General Motors (Matt Cullen, who now works for Gilbert, was his boss.). Michigan Economic Development Corporation, worked for Governor of Delaware. MBNA Corporation (now part of Bank of America) He is also on the Motor Cities National Heritage Area board with Matt Cullen (Gilbert) Chair of Snyder's transition team. He is connected to Detroit Future City and the Renaissance Venture Capital Fund with Richard Gabrys and Chris Rizik. His wife Sharon Rothwell was Chief of Staff for Engler and then worked for Masco.(Manoogian).
- ANDRA M. RUSH, Dakkota Integrated Systems, LLC
- JOHN G. RUSSELL*, CMS Energy Corporation / Consumers Energy Co.
- RICHARD F. RUSSELL*, Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company
- ALAN F. SCHULTZ, Valassis
- J. DONALD SHEETS, Dow Corning Corporation
- BRAD SIMMONS, Ford Motor Company
- LOU ANNA K. SIMON, Ph.D.*, Michigan State University
- SAM SIMON, Simon Holdings
- MATTHEW J. SIMONCINI, Lear Corporation, connected to Detroit Land Bank, WSU Foundation,
- BRIG SORBER, Two Men And A Truck/International, Inc.
- DOUGLAS W. STOTLAR*, Con-way Inc.
- ROBERT S. TAUBMAN, Taubman Centers, Inc.See Alfred Taubman above
- GARY TORGOW, Talmer Bancorp, Inc. See above
- SAMUEL VALENTI III, TriMas Corporation, Renaissance Venture Capital Fund (see Richard Gabrys and Doug Rothwell ) Formerly of Masco (see Manoogian)
- STEVE A. VAN ANDEL, Amway. See Doug DeVos.
- MICHELLE L. VAN DYKE, Fifth Third Bank, connected to Nancy Schlichting of Henry Ford Hospital, Mary Tuuk at Universal Forest Products (with Engler), funds LISC, represented on Detroit Economic Development Corporation, Neighborhood Development, and Tax Increment Finance Authority.
- JAMES R. VERRIER, BorgWarner Inc., connected to Citizen's Research Council
- TIMOTHY WADHAMS , Masco Corporation. See Richard Manoogian above.
- BRIAN C. WALKER, Herman Miller, Inc.
- WILLIAM H. WEIDEMAN*, The Dow Chemical Company
- M. ROY WILSON, Wayne State University, WSU Foundation
- WILLIAM C. YOUNG , Plastipak Holdings, Inc.
Detroit Chamber of Commerce
- Joseph Welch, ITC Holdings Corp., 2003 blackout:
- Henry Cooney, Plunkett Cooney PC
- Nancy Schlichting, Henry Ford Health System, See above
- Daniel Ponder, Franco Public Relations Group
- Sandy K. Baruah, Detroit Regional Chamber, Fix the Debt,
- Barbara Allushuski, Chair Emeritus, Detroit Regional Chamber
- Joseph Angileri, Compuware. See also Karmanos,
- Dennis Archer Jr., Archer Corporate Services, Inc., Compuware, see above
- Deidre Bounds, Ignite Social Media
- Matthew Cullen, Rock Ventures (Dan Gilbert), LLC, see above
- David Dauch, American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc., see above Also connected to Elizabeth Chappell
- Mark Davidoff, Deloitte LLP, see above
- Richard DeVore, PNC Bank, Bank part of Business Leaders for Michigan
- John Fikany, Microsoft Corporation
- Colleen Haley, U.S. OEM Business Unit Yazaki North America, Inc.
- Kouhaila Hammer, Ghafari Associates, LLC
- Florine Mark , The WW Group, Inc., see above
- Charles “Chip” McClure, Chair Emeritus, Detroit Regional Chamber, see above
- Reuben Munday, Lewis & Munday PC, See above
- James Murray, AT&T Michigan
- John Rakolta, Jr., Walbridge, see above
- Andra Rush, Rush Group LLC
- Ramesh (Ray) Telang, PriceWaterhouse Cooper
- Michael Webster, Kelly Services, Inc., see above
- Carla Bailo
- Stephanie Bergeron
- Randall Book
- Bruce Brownlee
- Timothy Bryan
- William Burgess
- Carolyn Cassin
- Brian Connolly
- Mary Culler
- Dana Debel
- Robert Diehl, Jr., Bodman Law Firm, brother of Nancy Diehl who is past president of the State Bar of Michigan and on Judicial Tenure Commission Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, Henry Ford Hospital Heart and Vascular Institute, VIP Mentoring, and the Grosse Pointe Club
- Debbie Dingell, see above
- Mathew Elliott
- Patrick Fehring
- Michael Fezzey
- David Foltyn
- David Girodat
- Paul Glantz
- Brian Glowiak
- Lydia Gutierrez
- Tricia Keith
- Justin Klimko
- Mary Kramer, see above
- Gordon Krater
- Steven Kurmas
- Terrence Larkin
- George Lenyo
- David Lochner
- Jesse Lopez
- Ryan Maibach
- Thomas Manganello
- Lawrence Marantette
- Kenneth Marblestone
- Kevin McKervey
- Anne Mervenne, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Citizens Research Council, Anne Mervenne & Assoc, Detroit Public Safety Foundation, BCBS part of Business Leaders for Michigan
- Gene Michalski
- Mike Miller
- Patricia Mooradian
- Virinder Moudgil
- Brian O’Connell
- Heather Paquette
- Stephan Polk
- Michael Ritchie
- Errol Service
- Thomas Shafer
- James Webb
- Alan Young
- David Zilko
- Randolph Agley
- Dennis Archer, see above
- William Brooks
- Elizabeth Chappell, American Axle, Citizen's Research Council and the Detroit Economic Club
- Richard Dauch, see above
- Richard Gabrys, see above
- Frank Hennessey
- George Johnson, see above
- Richard Kughn
- Daniel Loepp, Blue Cross, see Anne Mervenne and above
- Benjamin Maibach, III
- Michael Monahan, see above
- Leslie Murphy
- James Nicholson, see above
- Cynthia Pasky, see above
- Sandra Pierce
- Ronald Steffens
"The DWSD RFI requires that any Public-Private Partnership include a commitment to limit rate increases to no more than 4% per year for the first 10 years." -
Third Amended Disclosure Statement, PDF Page 160
Detroit Water Board
- James
Fausone, Esq., Wayne County, Fausone Bohn Law Firm
"He was also the President of K&D Industrial Services, multi-million dollar industrial services, waste transportation and environmental contracting company."!search/profile/person?personId=1192944033&targetid=profile - Bradley Kenoyer, Detroit, Ford
- Fred Barnes, P.E., Detroit
- Mary E. Blackmon, Detroit
- Linda Forte, Detroit: Also on Economic Development Authority, Neighborhood and Tax Increment, Comerica Bank
- Conrad L. Mallett Jr., Former member of Michigan Supreme Court, Chief Administration Officer at The Detroit Medical Center, La-Van Hawkins Food Group, Sinai Grace Hospital at The Detroit Medical Center, Transition Director for Detroit Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick, partner in the law firm of Miller Canfield, Paddock & Stone, Lear Corp., Kelly Services, Michigan Pioneer ACO, Techteam Global Inc. As Duggan supporter:
- J. Bryan Williams, Oakland County, Dickinson Wright, also a law firm for the state in the Detroit bankruptcy
The authority is comprised of six members, one representative each from Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties, one member appointed by the governor to represent customers outside of those three counties, and two members representing the city of Detroit.
- Earl Edward Hood, retired from Dykema Gossett, attended U of M Law School, involved in Ann Arbor, Dykema Gossett connected to the beginning of the Mackinac Policy Center which came from.the Cornerstone Foundation, started by Dykema Gossett attorney Richard McClellan along with Engler and others.
- Robert Daddow, Oakland County and Chair. He is connected to the Mackinac Policy Center. He is an author of Public Act 4 (Emergency Management) He connected Bonsall the CFO job at City of Detroit. Bonsall was the man who resigned after a comment was made about Angel's night:
- Isiah McKinnon, City of Detroit
- Gary Brown, City of Detroit, Detroit Future City, Detroit Public Safety Foundation
- Someone from Wayne County?
- Brian Baker, Sterling Heights, Macomb County
- About unpaid water bills: According to the article below, the total unpaid residential water bills are $43 million, homes slated for tax foreclosure just this year owe a total of $21 million of that $43 million.
- "JPMorgan Chase, UBS, Loop Financial and Morgan Stanley were paid $537 million in termination fees on interest rate swaps out of $1 billion in bonds issued from 2010-2013"
- Snyder and Richard Baird are associated with the NERD Fund. Baird seems to be a contributor to Duggan. This is an article about Baird and his taxes: You will see the man lives in Bath, Michigan. See below from Duggan's campaign reports for $ from a Richard Baird. Baird, Richard… Bath, MI 48808 Direct 01/22/2013 $1000.00 $1000.00, Baird, Richard …Bath, MI 48808 Direct 01/22/2013 $1500.00 $1500.00. Baird is the chair of of Calvert Investments. Calvert Investments has the Calvert Global Water Fund. Baird is on the board of GROW Michigan He was also on the board of the Great Lakes Protection Fund, but now it is Patricia (Patti) Glaza from Invest Detroit, First Step Fund and Detroit Innovate. Arsenal Venture Partners, attended University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She was also connected to Health Media, an Ann Arbor start up connected to Snyder.
- Federal Oversight ended over the water department by Judge Sean Cox the day before the Emergency Manager put into place.
- History of Judge Sean Cox, the "root cause" and the water department
- DeVos has a group Windquest that has boxed water. From the map, Holland is on Lake Macatawa that connects to Lake Michigan. There also appears to be a river to Macatawa water/
- Koch and these water membranes:
- Koch at a water conference:
- Koch Membrane Systems:
- Koch Membrane and Romney:
- Koch Membrane
- Koch Membrane Germany
- Berlin decided against Veolia. Remunicipalized water.
- Veolia water services:
- Veolia Water Technologies:
- Veolia Environmental Services Overview:
- Veolia Environment 2014 filings:
- Veolia's filings in France:
- Head of Veolia relationship map
Water Meets Money Conference 2014:
Parts of the Bankruptcy Third Amended Disclosure Statement, April 25, 2014
"(b) City-Owned Land
An estimated 22 square miles of land within City limits is government-owned, including parcels owned by the City, Wayne County and the State. Many of these parcels are vacant overgrown lots with illegal dumping or contain abandoned buildings in need of demolition. It has been estimated that the City owns approximately 60,000 parcels of vacant land and approximately 10% of the estimated 78,000 vacant structures within City limits. The vast majority of City-owned parcels have limited present commercial value. The City's efforts to address blight, remove vacant structures and encourage beneficial uses of City-owned land – which measures include initiatives involving the Detroit Land Bank Authority and the Michigan Land Bank – are addressed in Section IX.B.1 of this Disclosure Statement." PDF 109 Third Amended Disclosure Statement
"with respect to non-governmental stakeholders: the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (a section 501(c)(3) entity contracted by the City to provide real estate, development and fiduciary services), the Blight Authority (a Michigan non-profit entity specializing in scale and brush clearing) and DTE (responsible for supplying or cutting power to blighted structures/parcels), among numerous other interested parties." PDF p 134 Third Amended Disclosure Statement
"8. Demolition Initiatives
In April 2010, the City launched a program to take initial steps toward addressing urban blight within the City. This program had the goal of demolishing 10,000 vacant structures (i.e., approximately 13% of the vacant structures within the City and 26% of such buildings classified as dangerous) within three years. Over 5,000 structures had been demolished, but the City lacked sufficient funding to complete the project by its target date of December 2013. The City also
commenced an ancillary demolition initiative in partnership with the State, pursuant to which $10 million has been allocated to the targeted demolition of 1,234 structures located in the vicinity of schools. As of February 28, 2013, 179 structures had been demolished pursuant to this ancillary initiative (and another 56 were under contract to be demolished)." PDF Page 140 Third Amended Disclosure Statement
"As more fully described in Exhibit I, the City intends to distribute the $1.40 billion in reinvestment as follows: Blight Remediation $440.3 million" PDF Page 172 Third Amended Disclosure Statement Note: This is the highest line item in the entire "reinvestment."
"1. Blight Removal
Reduction of urban blight is among the City's highest reinvestment priorities. The City anticipates that a substantial reduction in blighted structures and properties would, among other things: (a) stabilize the City's eroding property values and property tax base; (b) allow the City to more efficiently and effectively deliver municipal services; (c) improve the health, safety and quality of life for City residents; (d) foster increased land utilization within the City; and (e) dramatically improve the national perception of the City. To this end, the City proposes to invest a total of $440.3 million over the course of the next six Fiscal Years to
remediate residential blight within the City. Among other things, this investment will allow the BSEED to increase the rate of residential demolitions from an average of 450 demolitions per month to an average of approximately 725 per month. The City intends to focus its initial demolition efforts around schools and other areas identified by the Detroit Works Project and the Detroit Future City project. The City estimates that it will invest the following amounts toward blight
removal during each of Fiscal Years 2014 through 2019:
Fiscal Year Expenditure
2014 $3.2 million
2015 $113.6 million
2016 $103.5 million
2017 $80.0 million
2018 $80.0 million
2019 $80.0 million
These efforts currently are – and will continue to be – complemented by discrete blight remediation efforts. For example, the Michigan State Housing Development Authority has allocated $52 million to the City (out of $100 million received from the U.S. Treasury from its "Hardest Hit Fund"). These funds – administered through the Detroit Land Bank Authority (in conjunction with the Michigan Land Bank) – will allow for blight elimination on 4,000 to 6,000 publicly owned residential structures over a 15-month period. Other complementary blight elimination efforts include: (a) a pilot program implemented by a nongovernmental non-profit agency (addressing blight in the Eastern Market and Brightmoor sections of the City); (b) the "Hantz Woodlands" urban farming project, in connection with which a 150-acre, 1,500-parcel tract of land on the City's lower east side has been acquired by a private party and is being cleared of blight and maintained; and (c) the devotion of $12 million in recently repurposed HUD funds for the targeting of commercial demolition during Fiscal Year 2014. Additionally, in September 2013, President Obama's administration announced a planned investment of $300 million in public and private aid to the City, a portion of which would be earmarked for blight removal efforts. As set forth at Section VII.C.7.c, remediating blight requires the coordination of – and the City intends to coordinate with – a multiplicity of government agencies at the local, state and federal levels, and certain interested nongovernmental organizations. Coordination and cooperation among these entities is critical to the success of the City's reinvestment efforts....In so doing, the City can raise investor
confidence and effect lasting change in economic growth and quality of life. In developing its blight removal initiative, the City has taken into account the proposals set forth in the Detroit Future City Strategic Framework (the "Strategic Framework"), and the City" PDF Page 172-173 Third Amended Disclosure Statement
Note that not a word is said about the tens of thousands of foreclosures and the predatory loans made to Detroiters. For more information visit Eviction Defense and
Detroit Works (Detroit Future City early incarnation)
Comes from Richard Baron, of McCormack Baron Salazar, St. Louis., Duggan contributor along with others in his firm. Riverfront developer According to Channel 4 land by Dequindre Cut given by Economic Development Corporation for $1 plus giving a 1.7 million dollar loan
The Detroit Economic Growth Association (DEGA), which is the nonprofit arm of the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) funds raised are received and supervised by the DEGA under its charitable tax exempt status, gets administrative and leadership support, contracting services, insurance coverage, accounting, and legal oversight to the Implementation Office.
Detroit Future City Steering Committee
- Alice Thompson, Black Family Development
- Angela Reyes, Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation
- Pastor Aaron Richardson, Evangel Ministries
- Dan Varner, Excellent Schools Detroit
- David Blaszkiewicz, Downtown Detroit Partnership, M-1 Rail, Downtown Development Authority
- David Egner, Hudson-Webber Foundation, See above
- Donnell White, NAACP
- Faye Nelson, DTE Foundation, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, M-1 Rail
- Gary Brown, City of Detroit, see above
- George Jackson, DEGC, Invest Michigan, M-1 Rail,
- George McCarthy, Ford Foundation, New Economy Initiative
- Dr. George Swan III, Wayne County CCD
- Guy Williams, GO Williams & Associates LLC
- Heaster Wheeler, Wayne County
- James Michael Curenton M.DIV., Mayflower Congregational United Chruch of Christ
- James Ribbron, City of Detroit – Resident
- Kathleen Lomako, SEMCOG
- Katy Locker, John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, New Economy Initiative, see above
- Lisa Davis, Ford Foundation
- Louis Green, Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council
- Luther Keith, ARISE Detroit
- Matt Cullen, (Dan Gilbert) Rock Ventures – See above
- Ricardo Guzman, CHASS
- Rip Rapson, The Kresge Foundation –See above
- Pamela Moore, Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation
- Paul Hillegonds, Regional Transit Authority – See above
- Ponsella Hardaway, MOSES
- Sandra Turner-Handy, Michigan Environmental Council
- Sharnita Johnson, W.K. Kellogg Foundation – See Kellogg Foundation above
- Saunteel Jenkins, THAW
- Sue Mosey, Midtown, Inc. UCCA (Midtown), M-1 Rail According to this article, Midtown developers (Sue Mosey is one) were delinquent on about $24 million in Detroit HUD loans and so the non-payments mean about $7 million that would go to mostly neighborhood-based projects was withheld.
- Tahirih Ziegler, Detroit LISC
- Tom Lewand, City of Detroit, Bodman, Duggan Advisor, father of Detroit Lions president, involved with DMC/Jennifer Granholm/Duggan
- Matt Cullen, Rock Ventures (Dan Gilbert), see above
- James Michael Curenton, Master of Divinity, Mayflower Congregational United Church of God in Christ
- Paul Hillegonds, DTE Energy, see above
- George W. Jackson, Jr., Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, see above
- Saunteel Jenkins, THAW
- Sharnita Johnson, Program Office, W. K. Kellogg Foundation
- Tom Lewand, Attorney, Bodman
- Faye Nelson, see above
- Rip Rapson, See above
- James Ribbron, Director, City of Detroit Board of Zoning Appeals / President
- Doug Rothwell, President & CEO, Business Leaders of Michigan See above.
- Dr. George Swan III, Vice Chancellor, Wayne County Community College District
- Alice Thompson, President and CEO, Black Family Development
- Heaster Wheeler, Deputy County Executive, Wayne County
- Marja Winters, Deputy Director, City of Detroit Planning and Development Department
The Detroit Land Bank is governed by a board of five directors. Four are appointed by the Mayor of Detroit and approved by Detroit City Council, and one is appointed by the Executive Director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA).
- Erica Ward Gerson, Children's Hospital of Michigan, married into the Davidson Family through husband Ralph Gerson, Guardian Industries
- Marsha Bruhn, City of Detroit Planning
- Richard Hosey, Detroit Land Bank, Downtown Development Authority, formerly Bank of America, Hosey Development
- Patricia Pernell Shelton, real estate
- Larry Lipa, Corvus International a real estate company in Birmingham, General Motors, EDS, Chrysler, Lear Corporation, Molson Ltd., and the Saturn Corporation
The board of the State Land Bank is dissolved.,3190,7-298-37399---,00.html
Blight Taskforce
- Glenda Price, Detroit Public Schools Foundation, Marygrove College, LaSalle Bank Corp., Focus: HOPE, Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, Financial Advisory Board for the City of Detroit.
- Linda Smith, U-SNAP-BAC, Brownfield Authority
- Dan Gilbert,
Rock Ventures
Bill Pulte – The Blight Authority, Pulte Capital Equity
Pulte Capital Equity
Invests in "leading building products businesses."
- Rick DeVos, see Doug DeVos
- Victor Ganzi
- Charles W Heinzelman
- Tony Koblinski
- Joe Laszkiewicz
- William Macatee
- Bill Pulte, See above
- Mark Pulte
- Kevin Prokop, Rockbridge Growth Equity, LLC (Gilbert) was part of Detroit Reniassance (now Business Leaders for Michigan) Pulte Capital Partners, Citizens Research Council, with DeVos and Pulte (billionaire dad home builder) of the Detroit Blight Authority, was part of Detroit Renaissance (now Business Leaders for Michigan), One Reverse Mortgage.
- G. Scott Romney, Honigman (Mitt Romney's brother) See Alan Schwartz and Honigman, Compuware
- Brian Rooney
- Michael L. Stucky
- Matthew P. Cullen, President & Chief Executive Officer, Rock Ventures, (Gilbert) see above
- Mark R. Bartlett, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, see above
- David O. Egner, See above
- W.Frank Fountain, Escambia Enterprises, LLC See above
- Roderick D. Gillum, Jackson Lewis, LLP, see above
- Nick Khouri, DTE Energy, Citizen’s Research Council
- Richard A. Manoogian, see above
- Sarah L. McClelland, Chase, more
- Charles G. (Chip) McClure, Business Roundtable (which Engler heads), and is active on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) (which Engler used to head), DTE Energy, Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, Business Leaders for Michigan,
- Edward J. (Chip) Miller, Invest Detroit
- Doug Rothwell, Business Leaders for Michigan, see above
- Bernard Silverstone, Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Motor Company
- Alan S. Schwartz, Honigman, See above for Alan E. Schwartz, Honigman
Sponsors and Supporters
DTE Energy
Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan
JP Morgan Chase and Co.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Knight Foundation
New Economy Initiative
Hudson Webber Foundation
Example of one of the Invest Detroit portfolio in the First Step funds, Accio Energy.
- Mary Campbell is on the board of Accio Energy. She is a long time Ann Arbor friend of Snyder, a venture capitalist and campaign contributor. She is also a part of EDF Ventures.,%20Inc.
- Also a sponsor of the Zell Laurie Institute (as is Ron Weiser) and a founder of the Wolverine Venture Fund, and was an Engler appointee. As longtime friend of Snyder:
- As donor to Snyder:
- Snyder and his venture capital - here is a guy from Masco on his board, connected to EDF ventures,4668,7-277-57577_57657-330795--RSS,00.html
- Karmanos is also in the First Step Fund.
To see the experts’ reports go to
- Robert Cline: Oppenheimer and Co. Might be the same person quoted by Mackinac Policy Center: This is about that Democrat treasurer in Rhode Island that brought "pension reform" to her state. "For instance, in response to a question from Charles Brunie – a founder of Oppenheimer Capital [includes Oppenheimer and Co.] and former chairman of the Manhattan Institute – Raimondo seemed to indicate that she’s open to privatizing, or selling outright, state assets. She also suggested that, due to her private sector background, she outworks lawmakers and other public servants and employees at the state house." See link
- More about pension reform, Pew Charitable Trust, the Manhattan Institute, the John and Laura Arnold Foundation, hedge funds and Rhode Island
- Here Orr and Snyder go to speak at the Manhattan Institute,
- A person connected to the Manhattan Institute was suggested as a expert for the bankruptcy case
- Caroline Sallee. A corporation search shows Patrick L. Anderson has registered the firm she works for. Here is old info about him from the Mackinac Policy Center " Mr. Patrick L. Anderson, Richard D. McLellan (one of the founders of the Cornerstone Foundation which grew into the Mackinac Center for Public Policy), Joseph P. Overton and Gary L. Wolfram, "The Universal Tuition Tax Credit: A Proposal to Advance Parental Choice in Education", Mackinac Center for Public Policy, 1997" She did a guide for Snyder Here is the program with Doug Rothwell, Robert Daddow, Pew Charitable Trust, Caroline Sallee, and Andy Dillon
- About Bill Schuette, Attorney General, formerly of the Gerstacker Foundation (a Mackinac Policy Center donor) The Kings of Michigan, March 31, 2011, "Last week, GRIID shared a Mother Jones news report showing how Governor Rick Snyder’s emergency manager/martial law legislation came directly from the radically conservative Mackinac Center for Public Policy"
- M. Kopacz - Here she is saying Detroit voters may derail the bankruptcy plan:, the testifying witness and here is her account of choosing Orr: Here is her bio:
- Richard Ravich, non-testifying witness.
- Buckfire, Orr, Buckfire and Honigman (see above) at Private Equity Conference at University of Michigan Conference funded by the Ronald and Eileen Weiser
- Malhotra
- Perry
- Taranto
- Hill
- Niblock
- M. Plumme
- Vanessa Fusco - Christie's
- Satter
- This blog is not recent but is very informational about the bankruptcy:
- Judge Rosen came from the law firm Miller Canfield Paddock and Stone and is member of the Federalist Society (another member is Judge Sean Cox) more about him: In this article it notes his connection to the Tamara Green court case.
- The Federalist Society at University of Michigan Law School
- Michael McGee was an author of PA 4 and is from the firm Miller Canfield Paddock and Stone
- Jones Day: Has represented Gilbert's Cleveland Cavaliers and Bank of America (a creditor). James Brogan of Jones Day is on the board of the Cleveland Clinic with Dan Gilbert.
- "One of the emails dated January 31, from Dan Moss, an associate at Jones Day who worked with Orr on the Chrysler bankruptcy and restructuring, told Orr the “ideal scenario” would be for Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and Snyder to “go through an orderly Chapter 9.” Moss then stated his own reservations about whether an emergency manager would be useful in a city where his powers would be questioned at every turn, versus bankruptcy, where a federal judge simply dictates to the city what to sacrifice. Others involved in the discussions include Jones Day Managing Partner Stephen Brogan, Jones Day Partner Corinne Ball and Rick Snyder's Transformation Manager Richard Baird."
- About pre-bankruptcy emails between Orr, Brogan and Baird,
Board Members listed on IRS form 990 ( 2013 )
- Dulce Fuller
- Rodney Lockwood Jr.
- Richard Haworth, see above
- Phil Jenkins
- Joseph Fitzsimmons
- Edward Levy Jr., Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Citizen's Research Council
- J.C. Huizinga
- Douglas Kinnan
- Clifford Taylor
- Richard Mclellan
- Joseph Maguire
- Kent Herrick
- D. Joseph Olson
- Joseph Lehman
- Michael J. Reitz
- Michael D. Lafaive
- Frank Vernuccio
- See more at:
Department Privatization
Asset Privatization
Public Lighting
A developer from Bingham Farms who is a part of the Mackinac Policy Center, Rodney Lockwood has a plan for The Commonwealth of Belle Isle. Another article: “For whom the private belle tolls.” Lockwood Development
This talks about Emergency Management, ALEC, pension "reform" and the Mackinac Policy Center
- See more at:
This describes some of the funding for the Mackinac Policy Center
- Engler was a founder of the Mackinac Policy Center which began as the Cornerstone Foundation.
- Engler is on the board of online school
- Engler is also on the board of Universal Forest Products (makes and distributes wood and wood-alternative products for building) with Mark Murray of Meijer and Mary Tuuk from Fifth Third Bank. Universal Forest Products Far West Company includes Richard M. DeVos and shares the director Matthew J. Missad with Universal Forest Products.
- He heads up the Business Roundtable
- He also takes part in the Manhattan Institute's Public Sector Inc.This link is about pension "reform"
- He connected to Munder Capital which is also associated with John Rakolta Jr. and Michael Monahan.
- Engler gave a speech at the Michigan Chapter of the
Federalist Society
New Economy Initiative
- Mariam C. Noland, see above.
- David O. Egner, Hudson Webber Foundation, See above
- Steven K. Hamp, New Economy Initiative, see above
- Lizabeth Ardisana, ASG Renaissance, see above
- Michael
Finney, Michigan
Economic Development Corporation, Detroit
Riverfront Conservancy, was Ann
, Michigan
Strategic Fund More about him and his campaign contributions
to Snyder: and the MEDC - Ralph J. Gerson, Guardian Industries. See Ethan Davidson., see wife Erica Ward Gerson, Detroit Land Bank
- Paul Glomski, Detroit Labs
- Lydia Gutierrez, Hacienda Foods
- Benjamin S. Kennedy, Kresge Foundation
- Katy Locker, Knight Foundation, more here
- George McCarthy, Ford Foundation
- Leon Richardson, ChemicoMays
- Chris Rizik, formerly of Dickinson Wright (a law firm for the State regarding Detroit's bankruptcy) Renaissance Venture Capital Fund, Michigan Economic Development Fund
- Veronika Scott, The Empowerment Plan
- Ed Egnatios, Kellogg Foundation
- American Middle East Economic Affairs Committee
- Ann Arbor SPARK Foundation
- Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
- AutoHarvest Foundation
- Automation Alley Fund
- Bizdom U (Gilbert)
- Brookings Institution
- Business Leaders for Michigan
- City Connect Detroit
- College for Creative Studies
- Council of Michigan Foundations
- Detroit Development Fund
- Detroit Economic Growth Association
- Detroit Midtown Micro-Enterprise Fund Corporation
- Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation Inc.
- Downtown Detroit Partnership
- Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
- Henry Ford Health Systems
- Inforum Center for Leadership
- Invest Detroit Foundation
- Macomb Community College
- Macomb OU INC
- Matching Opportunities and Resources for Entrepreneurs (MORE)
- MDC Inc.
- Michigan Corps
- Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
- Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center
- Michigan State University
- Michigan Women's Foundation
- Midtown Detroit Inc.
- National Skills Coalition
- NextEnergy
- Oakland University
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA)
- Southwest Solutions
- Sustainable Water Works
- University of Michigan
- Upwardly Global
- Urban Entrepreneur Partnership Detroit
- Venture for America
- Walsh College
- Wayne State University
- WSU TechTown
- Providing $3 million to the College for Creative Studies for the renovation of the historic Argonaut Building in Detroit as a center for creative activity, enterprise and education and an extension of its campus; and
- Providing $750,000 for The Life Sciences Innovation Center to help Ann Arbor SPARK turn a former Pfizer laboratory into a business incubator for life sciences firms and entrepreneurs. and more see website above.
- Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan (Detroit),
- Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation (Southfield),
- Ford Foundation (New York),
- Hudson-Webber Foundation (Detroit),
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation (Battle Creek),
- John S. and James L .Knight Foundation (Miami)
- Kresge Foundation (Troy)
- McGregor Fund (Detroit)
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (Flint)
- Skillman Foundation (Detroit).
Local Advisory Board
- Tonya Allen, The Skillman Foundation
- David O. Egner, Hudson-Webber Foundation
- Anne Beck, College of Creative Studies
- James S. Bernacki, Comerica Bank,
- Melonie Colaianne, MASCO Corporation Foundation
- Harvey Hollins, III, State of Michigan Office of Urban Initiatives
- Burney Johnson, Michigan State Housing Development Authority
- Nick Khouri, DTE Energy,
- Jason Paulateer, PNC Bank
- Laura Trudeau, The Kresge Foundation
- John Van Camp, Southwest Solutions
- Ray Waters, Detroit Development Fund
- Bank of America
- Charter One Foundation
- Comerica Bank
- Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan
- DTE Energy Foundation
- Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis
- Fifth Third Bank
- The Hudson-Webber Foundation
- JP Morgan Chase
- John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- The Kresge Foundation
- The MASCO Corporation Foundation
- The McGregor Fund
- MDC, Inc.
- The Skillman Foundation
- State Farm
- The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- The U.S. Small Business Administration
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
City of Detroit, State of Michigan Financial Review Team (2012)
Initial Team,4679,7-121-1755_1963-268964--,00.html
- Andy Dillon, state treasurer, more here
- Doug Ringler,Office of Internal Audit Services in the Department of Technology, Management and Budget
- Dr. Irvin Reid, retired Wayne State University
- Dr. Isaiah “Ike” McKinnon, retired City of Detroit; more here
- Conrad Mallett, DMC Sinai Grace, more here
- Jack Martin, U.S. Department of Education; more here
- Dr. Glenda Price, Marygrove College more here
- Shirley Stancato, New Detroit
- Frederick Headen, Treasury’s Local Government Services Bureau
- Brom Stibitz, senior policy advisor for the department
- Kenneth Whipple, see more
- Ronald
Goldsberry, Parker Chemical, (Ford), Occidental Chemical Corporation,
Gulf Oil Corporation, the Boston Consulting Group and Hewlett Packard,
Army - NASA/AMES Research Center, Central State University Foundation,
Michigan State University Foundation, Unum Corporation, and WTVS-TV,
DAPCEP, National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities In
Engineering and Science, Inc. (GEM) and more
and even more
- Darrell Burks, see more
- Robert Bowman, Milwaukee, Michigan Education Trust,Take-Two Interactive Corp. and Warnaco Corp.
- Mary Beth Kuderik, UAW's medical benefits trust, General Motors shift to VEBA
- W. Howard Morris, The Prairie & Tireman Group, EFM Inkster Public School District, CFO Detroit Public School District.
- Eddie Munson, see more
- Sandra Pierce, Charter One, Michigan.
1. Former New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch, “special liaison to the state.”
2. John Roberts, the state budget director
3. Mike Duggan, City of Detroit, Vanguard Health, DMC, Wayne County, father is Republican federal judge, Patrick Duggan., Attended classes at University of Michigan at same time as Kevyn Orr, Emergency Manager. Campaign contribution from a house party given by State Representative Gail Haines where over $35,000 was raised. According to this article, she is allegedly a dues paying member of ALEC. She also helped Livonia's Rep. John Walsh put the pension bill (PA 183) in the 11 bills for the Grand Bargain for the bankruptcy.,4668,7-277-57577_57657-331379--,00.html Information about the primary election
4. Brenda Jones, Detroit City Council
5. Darrell Burks of Bloomfield Hills, past PricewaterhouseCoopers, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Greektown Casino Board, M-1 Rail, College for Creative Studies, Michigan Virtual University, the State appointed Financial Advisory Board for the City of Detroit, member of the State Review Team, Future of Detroit Foundation.,5248,7-302-63798-296075--,00.html
6. Stacy Fox, Roxbury Group, a Detroit real estate development and investment firm, associated with DuPont. Duggan contributor along with principal DiRita and others from group. According to following article, the EDC will sell the Globe building to Roxbury Group for $1 to develop it for the DNR. They would get $11 million financing from the state’s Natural Resources Trust Fund. DNR would purchase it when its ready for a total project cost of $12.8 million.
Roxbury redeveloped the David Whitney Building, $82.5 million project involving funding from the state, Bank of America, the Downtown Development Authority and others. Detroit Economic Growth Corp./DDA development agreement for The Griswold, $22 million development. For more: Report on connection to Turkia Mullin, Airport
7. Lorron James, James Group International. Here is Snyder campaigning at James Group International., Detroit Wayne County Port Authority,4679,7-121-1751_51556_64472_66601_70240_70241_70248-341278--,00.html
8. Bill Martin of Ann Arbor, U of M Ross School of Business graduate, Michigan Strategic Fund. His real estate company:,4679,7-121-1751_51556_64472_66601_70240_70241_70248-341279--,00.html
Snyder contributor
9. Tony Saunders of Detroit, who was a director at Conway MacKenzie Inc. and was emergency manager for the city of Benton Harbor. Saunders also connected to Saunteel Jenkins. In the past strategic and financial planning services to the city of Highland Park, WYLD Marketing Group. Graduate of the University of Michigan. All about Benton Harbor, the PGA and the imprisoned Rev. Pinkney, home of Whirlpool.,4679,7-121-1751_51556_64472_66601_70240_70241_70248-341281--,00.html
Belle Isle Conservancy
- Sarah Earley, Chair (wife of Anthony Early past Chairman/CEO of DTE, chairman of PG & E), National Association of Olmstead Parks
- Ethan Vinson, Cummings, McClory, Davis & Acho
- Paul Huxley, Strategic Staffing Solutions. See Cynthia Pasky.
- Joyce Hayes-Giles, DTE Energy
- Kate Beebe, Katherine Beebe & Associates
- Ed Deeb, Founder and Chairman, Michigan Youth Appreciation Foundation
- Janice Ellison, Community Volunteer
- Cynthia Ford, Community Volunteer, McGregor Foundation
- Ray C. Johnson, Global Educational Services
- Judy Jonna, Healing Solutions
- Alicia B. Masse, Alderney Advisors, LLC
- Vance Patrick, R.V. Patrick Construction
- Buzz Thomas, The Thomas Group Consulting, Inc., see above
- Marilyn Tuchow, Community Volunteer
- Emmett Moten, Mayoral Appointee
- Alicia Minter, Director, Detroit Recreation Department
- Brad Dick, Director, General Services Department
- Terri Conner, Senior Public Service Supervisor, City of Detroit
- James Tate, Detroit City Council
Belle Isle Advisory Committee,4570,7-153-65134_67332-319984--,00.html
The advisory committee consists of three representatives appointed by the governor; one representative appointed by Detroit City Council; two representatives appointed by the mayor of the city; and one representative to serve as chair jointly appointed by the governor and mayor. As outlined in the lease that provides for state management of the park, at least three members of the advisory committee must be residents of the City of Detroit.
- Belle Isle Advisory Committee Chair Michele Hodges.
- Bryan C. Barnhill, II of Detroit, works for Mike Duggan, connected to former Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh, past Southwest Housing Solutions and Kushner Companies NYC
- Michael Curis of Grosse Pointe Shores. Curis Enterprises based in Detroit. Developer in and around Detroit., Curis Big Boys, Inc., St. John Hospital in Detroit, The Coleman A. Young Foundation and the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation.
- Rev. Lonnie Peek, Jr.of Detroit, eBusiness Strategies, Wayne County Community College, Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity, Detroit RiverFront Conservancy, New Detroit, Inc., Detroit Economic Growth Corporation and the Board of Visitors School of Social Work at Wayne State University, Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit.
- Bud Denker of Bloomfield Hills, Penske Corp., Penske Automotive Group and Penske Performance. Past: Eastman Kodak. Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix, Downtown Detroit Partnership and The Parade Company.
- Alicia Minter of Detroit, City of Detroit Recreation Department, past Belle Isle Park manager, Detroit RiverFront Conservancy, Eastern Market Corporation Northwest Community Programs, past Booker T. Washington Business Association.
- Detroit City Council committee member ??
- Sommer Woods of Detroit, appointed by the Detroit City Council, Sommer Solutions, M1-RAIL, Office of Mayor Dave Bing, Detroit Super Bowl XL Host Committee, PGA Tour, Inc.
Executive Committee
- Mark Stiers – DTE Energy
- Bertram Marks –Litigation Associates PLLC
- Jerry Carlson – Microsoft
- Michelle Lemerond – Comerica Bank
- Mark Lichtman – Zenacomp Incorporated
- Jo Arnold, Detroit Water and Sewage
- David Rouls, Accenture
- Douglas E. Detterman, Consumers Energy
- Jim Ross, Palace Sports and Entertainment
- Carl English, American Electric Power, AEP retired
- Susan Foley, University of Michigan Health System
- Daniel Forsyth, SEMCO Energy
- Lawrence C. Glass, Jr., El Bethel Baptist Church
- Debbie Kenyon, CBS Radio Detroit
- Kirk Mayes, Forgotten Harvest
- Linda Orlans, Orlans Associates, PC. more here
- April Donaldson, Strategic Staffing Solutions, see Cynthia Pasky
- Frank Culver
- Jack Schwab, Community Volunteer
- Geneva Williams, Detroit City Connect
- Gerard Anderson, more here
- Lillian Bauder Ph.D., DTE Energy Company
- Charles Pryor Jr., DTE Energy Company
- Josue Robles Jr., USA (Ret.), United Services Automobile Association
- James Vandenberghe, DTE Energy Company, Duggan contributor
- W. Frank Fountain Jr., Africare, more here
- Ruth Shaw, Duke Energy Corporation
- Gail McGovern, American Red Cross
- Mark Murray, Meijer, Inc., see above
- David Brandon, Domino's Pizza, Inc. See above
- Charles “Chip” McClure Jr., Suspensys Sistemas Automotivos Ltda, see above
- James Nicholson, Beringea LLC, see above
- David Thomas Ph.D., Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC
- Peter Karmanos, Jr., Compuware, WSU Foundation, First Step Fund, and has reps on DIA (Nathan Forbes), Detroit Chamber of Commerce (Joseph Angileri). Compuware also connected to the Detroit Public Safety Foundation, Dennis Archer, G. Scott Romney. Kwame Kilpatrick was given a job at Covisit, a Karmanos Company in Texas, )
- Joseph Hohner, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, more here
- George Jackson, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, more here
- Mark Murray, Meijer, Inc., more here
- Jim Herbert, Neogen Corp
- Mark Reuss, General Motors, see above
- Sandra Pierce, Charter One Bank
- Jim Nicholson, PVS Chemicals, more here
- Beth Chappell, Detroit Economic Club, more here
- Dan Gilbert, Quicken Loans, more here
- Andy Dillon, more here
Citizen's Research Council
- Terence M. Donnelly, Dickinson Wright PLLC
- Aleksandra Miziolek Cooper Standard
- Eric W. Lupher, Citizens Research Council of Michigan
- Laura Appel, Michigan Health & Hospital Association
- John J. Gasparovic, BorgWarner Inc.
- Michael G. Bickers, PNC Financial Services Group
- Ingrid A. Gregg, Earhart Foundation, (a donor to the Mackinac Policy Center
- Paul R. Obermeyer, Comerica Bank
- June Summers Haas, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP, see Alan E. Schwartz
- Kevin Prokop, Rockbridge Growth Equity, LLC, (Gilbert)
- Rick Cole, Michigan State University
- Marybeth S. Howe, Wells Fargo Bank
- Jay Rising, Detroit Medical Center
- James Davlin
- Nick A. Khouri, DTE Energy Company, more here
- Kelly Rossman-McKinney, Truscott Rossman
- Daniel Domenicucci, Ernst & Young LLP, one of the city's bankruptcy firms
- Gordon Krater, Plante Moran
- Candee Saferian, PVS Chemicals, Inc., see James Nicholson
- William Lawrence III, Varnum, 42 North Partners LLC
- Christine Mason Soneral, ITC Holdings Corp
- Randall W. Eberts, W. E. Upjohn Institute
- Daniel T. Lis
- Terence A. Thomas, Sr., Thomas Group Consulting, Inc., Miller Canfield, Buzz Thomas at this consulting Group
- Sherrie L. Farrell, Dykema Gossett PLLC
- Kristen McDonald, The Skillman Foundation
- Theodore J. Vogel, CMS Energy Corporation
- Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr, Manoogian Foundation
- Michael P. McGee, Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone PLC
- Larry Yachcik, Porter Hills
- Eric R. Gilbertson, Saginaw Valley State University
- Glenn D. Mroz, Michigan Technological University
- Jeffrey D. Bergeron, Ernst & Young LLP
- Allan D. Gilmour
- Mark A. Murray, Meijer Inc.
- Stephanie W. Bergeron, Walsh College
- Alfred R. Glancy III, Unico Investment Group LLC , see above
- James M. Nicholson, PVS Chemicals, see above
- Beth Chappell, Detroit Economic Club, see above
- Thomas J. Haas, Grand Valley State University
- Donald R. Parfet, Apjohn Group LLC
- Richard T. Cole, Michigan State University
- David S. Haynes, Northern Michigan University
- Philip H. Power, The Center for Michigan
- Mary Sue Coleman, University of Michigan, see above
- James S. Hilboldt, The Connable Office, Inc.
- Keith A. Pretty, Northwood University
- Brian M. Connolly, Oakwood Healthcare, Inc.
- Paul C. Hillegonds, DTE Energy Company, see above
- John Rakolta Jr., Walbridge, see above
- Matthew P. Cullen, Rock Ventures LLC, see above
- Daniel J. Kelly, Deloitte Retired
- Douglas B. Roberts, IPPSR- Michigan State University
- Stephen R. D'Arcy, Detroit Medical Center,see above
- David B. Kennedy, Earhart Foundation
- Milt Rohwer
- Richard DeVore, PNC Bank
- Mary Kramer, Crain Communications, Inc., see above
- George E. Ross, Central Michigan University
- Gary D. Russi
- John M. Dunn, Western Michigan University
- David Leitch, Ford Motor Company
- Nancy M. Schlichting, Henry Ford Health System, see above
- David O. Egner, Hudson-Webber Foundation, New Economy Initiative, see above
- Edward C. Levy, Jr., Edw. C. Levy Co.
- John M. Schreuder, First National Bank of Michigan
- David L. Eisler, Ferris State University
- Daniel Little, University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Amanda Van Dusen, Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone PLC, see more
- David G. Frey, Frey Foundation
- Alphonse S. Lucarelli, Ernst & Young LLP, Retired
- Kent J. Vana, Varnum
- Mark T. Gaffney
- Sarah L. McClelland, JPMorgan Chase & Co. , more
- Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr., Manoogian Foundation , more
- Anne Mervenne, Mervenne & Co, see above
- Gail L. Warden, Henry Ford Health System, Emeritus
- Ralph J. Gerson, Guardian Industries Corporation , more
- Aleksandra A. Miziolek, Cooper Standard
- Jeffrey K. Willemain, Deloitte
M-1 Rail
Roger S. Penske, Penske Corporation, contributor to rail .
Dan Gilbert, Quicken Loans, contributor to rail .
- Matthew P. Cullen, Rock Ventures, (Gilbert) contributor to rail .
- Dave Blaszkiewicz, Downtown Detroit Partnership
- Darrell Burks, Price Waterhouse Cooper (retired)
- Leo Hanifin, Member,University of Detroit Mercy
- Sarah McClelland, Citizen's Research Council, JP Morgan Chase, Invest Detroit,
- Mike McLauchlan, Ilitch Holdings, Detroit Public Safety Foundation
- Susan Mosey, Midtown Detroit, Inc.
- Faye Alexander Nelson, DTE Energy Foundation
- George W. Jackson, Jr., Detroit Economic Growth Corporation
- Richard (Rip) Rapson, The Kresge Foundation
- Robert Riney, Henry Ford Health Systems
- Jared Fleisher, Patton Boggs
- Mark Davidoff,
Deloitte, LLP
Below are all the authorities under this umbrella. Note that authorities control tax money but are NOT elected by taxpayers.
Downtown Development Authority
- Mike Duggan, City of Detroit
- Robert Anderson, City of Detroit
- Marvin Beaty, Greektown Casino (Gilbert)
- David Blaszkiewicz, Detroit Investment Fund/Downtown Detroit Partnership
- Ehrlich Crain, White Construction
- Harold Curry, C.O.S. Group, LLC
- Sonya Delley, Flagstar Bank
- Richard Hosey, Resident, more
- Cheryl Johnson, City of Detroit
- Stephen Ogden, Rock Ventures (Gilbert), Brownfield Development Authority
Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
- Robert Anderson, City of Detroit, Economic Development Corporation of the City of Detroit, Neighborhood Development Corporation and Tax Increment Finance Authority, Downtown Development Authority
- R. Jan Appel
- Cheryl Johnson, City of Detroit, Downtown Development Authority
- Raymond Scott, City of Detroit
- Linda Smith, U-SNAP-BAC, see above
- Anthony Thornton
- Donele Wilkins, The Green Door Initiative
- Derek Brown, Quorum Commercial
- Willie Cambell, Core City Neighborhoods
- Nathan Ford, City of Detroit
- Faith Fowler, Cass Community Social Services
- Dolores Leonard, Detroit Resident
- Steve Ogden, Rock Ventures (Gilbert), more
- Fred Prime, Loop Capital Markets
- Allen Rawls, DMJM
- Sandra Yu, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
(same board for all three)
9 member board is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council.
- Robert Anderson, City of Detroit, see more
- Linda Forte, Comerica Bank
- Chris Jackson, Resident
- Conrad Mallett, Detroit Medical Center
- Stephen Palmer, Palmer Development Group, LLC
- William Ritsema, Fifth Third Bank
- Roger Short, Lane Assurance Tax Advisory
- Floyd Stanley, City of Detroit
- Marja Winters, City of Detroit
Michigan Economic Development Corporation Executive Committee
- Doug Rothwell, MEDC, Business Leaders for Michigan. more
- Jeff Noel, Whirlpool Corporation, Benton Harbor
- Lizabeth Ardisana, ASG Renaissance, Dearborn, more here
- David B. Armstrong, GreenStone Farm Credit Services, East Lansing
- Mary Lou Benecke, Benecke Consulting, LLC, Bay City
- John W. Brown, Stryker Corporation, Portage
- Robert Collier, Council of Michigan Foundations, Grand Haven
- Stephen Forrest, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Cindy Larsen, Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce, Muskegon
- David E. Meador, DTE Energy, Detroit, see more
- Jeff Metts, Dowding Industries/Astraeus Wind Energy, Eaton Rapids
- Thomas James Moran, Moran Iron Works, Inc.
- Scott Newman-Bale, Short’s Brewing Company, Elk Rapids & Bellaire
- J. Gregory Northrup, Sustainable Partners, LLC, Grand Rapids
- Gerald D. Poisson, Oakland County, MI
- Christopher L. Rizik, Renaissance Venture Capital Fund, Ann Arbor, more
- Anmar K. Sarafa, Steward Capital Management, Inc., Bloomfield Hills
- Marilyn Schlack, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kalamazoo
- David G. Sowerby, Loomis Sayles & Company, Bloomfield Hills, more
- Dayne Walling, City of Flint
- Michael A. Finney, MSF Board President & Chairman, more
- Paul Anderson, Greenstone
- Kevin Clinton, Michigan Department of Treasury
- Michael J. Jackson, Sr., Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters
- Bill J. Martin, Michigan Association of Realtors
- Terri Jo Umlor, Springfield Commercial Roofing
- Jody DuPree Vanderwel, Grand Angels
- Jim Walsh, Retired, Meijer Inc.
- Shaun W. Wilson, PNC Financial Services Group
- Mike Zimmer, Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs
Detroit Public Safety Foundation
- Anne Mervenne, Mervenne & Company, see more
- James B. Nicholson, PVS Chemicals, Inc., see more
- Reginald Turner, Clark Hill, see more
- Mike McLauchlan, Ilitch Holdings, Inc.
- Gary Brown, City of Detroit, see more
- Mike Bruggeman, Rock Ventures (Gilbert)
- Denise Starr, Compuware
- Damon Tooles, Tooles Contracting Group, CEO
- John Zidar, Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Wayne State University Foundation
Board of Directors
- Maggie Allesee, see more
- James Anderson, Urban Science Applications, Inc.
- Eugene Applebaum, Arbor Investments Group
- Joy Baxt, Nurse Educator
- Arthur Bryant, City of Grosse Pointe Woods
- Julius Combs, National Healthcare Scholars
- Walter Douglas, Avis Ford, Inc.
- Eugene Driker,Wayne State University Foundation Board Of Directors,Wayne State University Board of Governors, Barris, Sott, Denn & Driker, see more
- Ty Fahner, Mayer Brown LLP
- Yousif Ghafari, Ghafari Associates, see more
- Paul Glantz, Emagine Entertainment, Inc., Proctor Financial, Inc.
- Elliott Hall, Dykema Gossett, P.L.L.C. see more
- Morton Harris
- David M. Hempstead, Bodman, see more
- Chacona W. Johnson, Wayne State University Foundation Board, Development and Alumni Affairs, Wayne State University, see more
- Peter Karmanos, Compuware Corporation, see more
- Denise J. Lewis, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn, see more
- Taylor Lewis, M.D.,.Quest Diagnostics, Inc.
- David Meador, DTE Energy, see more
- David A. Nicholson, Wayne State University Board of Governors, son of James Nicholson PVS Chemicals, see more
- Spencer Partrich, Lautrec, Inc.
- Howard Perlman, Friedman Real Estate Group, Inc. Dan Friedman of Friedman Real Estate He grew up in the Twickingham subdivision of Southfield with Dan Gilbert and helped him to buy buildings downtown.
- Richard Peters, Penske Corporation, see more
- Mitchell Ritter, Wayne State University Alumni Association
- Louis Romano,Wayne State University Academic Senate
- David Salzman, Hollywood Executive and Producer
- A. Paul Schaap, Lumigen, Inc., see more
- Alan E. Schwartz, Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn, see more
- John Schwarz, Former U.S. Congressman, 7th District of Michigan
- Frederick Sievert, New York Life Insurance Company
- Matthew J. Simoncini, Lear Corporation, see more
- Stephen Strome, Handleman Company
- Alfred Taubman,The Taubman Company, see more
- Gary Torgow, Sterling Group, see more
- M. Roy Wilson,Wayne State University, see more
- Neco Walker, Wayne State University Foundation Board of Directors
Downtown Detroit Partnership
Executive Committee
- Cynthia J. Pasky, Strategic Staffing Solutions
- Daniel J. Loepp, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
- Matthew P. Cullen, Rock Ventures LLC
- Eric B. Larson,
- Gerard M. Anderson, DTE Energy Company
- David O. Egner, Hudson-Webber Foundation
- Stacy Fox, The Roxbury Group
- Daniel B. Gilbert, Rock Ventures, Quicken Loans
- Christopher Ilitch, Ilitch Holdings, Inc.
- George W. Jackson, Jr., Ventra Group LLC
- Cameron H. Piggott, Dykema Gossett PLLC
- Denise Starr, Compuware Corporation
- Bishop Edgar L. Vann II, Second Ebenezer Church
Board Members
- Marvin Beatty,Greektown Casino-Hotel
- Gary Brown, City of Detroit
- John Carter, Chase
- James Craig, City of Detroit
- Keith Crain, Crain Communications Inc
- Mark Davidoff*, Deloitte LLP
- Richard Devore, PNC
- Robert A. Ficano, Wayne County
- David Foltyn, Honigman Miller Schwartz and
- Cohn LLP
- J.G. Ted Gillary, Detroit Athletic Club
- Roderick Gillum, Jackson Lewis LLP
- Ronald L. Hausman, Walbridge
- Tricia A. Keith, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
- Thomas J. Lewand, Detroit Lions, Inc.
- Sergio Marchionne, Chrysler Group LLC
- Steve Marquardt, Olympia Development
- David E. Meador, DTE Energy
- Roderick Miller, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation
- Joseph J. Mullany, Detroit Medical Center
- James A. Murray, AT&T Michigan
- Timothy F. Nicholson, PVS Chemicals Inc.
- Mariam C. Noland, Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
- Jim Palmer, Lowe Campbell Ewald
- Heather Paquette, KPMG
- Roger S. Penske, Penske Corporation
- Richard (Rip) Rapson, The Kresge Foundation
- Michael T. Ritchie, Comerica Bank
- Doug Rothwell, Business Leaders for Michigan
- Andra Rush, Rush Group
- Nancy Schlichting, Henry Ford Health System
- John W. Stroh III, The Stroh Companies, Inc.
- Ramesh (Ray) Telang, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- Gary H. Torgow, The Sterling Group
- Steven A. White, Detroit Renewable Energy
- M. Roy Wilson, Wayne State University
- Steven J. Zanella, MGM Grand Detroit
- Paul Trulik, Apparatus Solutions, Inc.
Detroit Development Fund
Ford Foundation
Knight Foundation
Kresge Foundation
New Economy Initiative
Detroit Community Loan Fund
Information taken from third-party sources is believed to be accurate, however no representation or warranty, expressed or otherwise, is made to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained herein.
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